The Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) is an organization composed of all the women members of Second Baptist Church. It is committed to advancing the Kingdom of God through evangelism, education, communication and the application of Christ’s love and the support of home, national and foreign missionary outreach endeavors.
The purpose of the WMU is to direct the religious energies of all the women of the Church into defined areas of service. It is a branch of the body of Christ, the Church that seeks in all of its activities to promote the cause for which the Church stands. It stands ready to aid the pastor in his numerous labors; to welcome new members to the Church and acquaint them with the on-going work of the WMU; to visit the sick and shut-in; to provide assistance and consolation to the bereaved; to promote and support District, State and National Missionary Convention activities; to promote Christian education and understanding through various outreach ministries.
The work of the Women’s Missionary Union is accomplished through the ministries of the main body as well as through the various ministries of the smaller Circles or Units under the umbrella of the WMU. Currently, there are seven (7) active Circles or Units and membership is open to all women of the Church. The units are as follows: Abigail Circle, Deborah Circle, Earnest Workers Circle, Esther Circle, Nannie H. Burroughs Circle, Rebekah Circle, and the Willing Workers Circle.
The WMU is affiliated with the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC), the La Grange Baptist Association of Texas, The Greater San Antonio Community of Churches, and the City Wide Women’s Missionary Council.
The WMU sponsors a variety of events throughout the year. Operation Mission is the organization’s major fund raising effort and is held annually the second Sunday in February. The Women’s Day of Prayer is held in conjunction with the Women’s Department of PNBC and is usually held in June. The WMU annually hosts the Easter Sunday Morning Breakfast, and a Christmas Luncheon in December. The WMU is also responsible for coordinating, organizing and serving food to the bereaved family members of Second Baptist Church. The WMU began a new ministry last year working with the VITAS Volunteer Hospice Program. Members participated in two (3 hour) training sessions held at the Church provided by the VITAS staff. A total of 7 members completed the training and received their badges and certificates of completion. Additional training will be scheduled in the spring for interested persons. In addition to the Core program, each Circle plans and presents their individual program during the year. Other outreach ministry events are planned as part of the general program.
The Women’s Missionary Union meets the first Thursday of each month at 1:30 P.M. in the Rev. S. H. James, Jr. Fellowship Hall.
Sunday Service Times:
08:00 am – Early Worship Service
09:15 am – Breakfast Fellowship
Rev. S. H. James, Jr. Fellowship Hall
09:40 am – Sunday School
11:00 am Regular Worship
Wednesday Service Times:
6:00 pm – Fellowship Dinner
6:30 pm – Prayer & Bible Study
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